Residential Services

Smith Septic provides on-time and on-budget services for your residential septic needs. We can provide septic and aeration pumping for your septic systems and additionally deal with issues like flooded basements – quickly ridding these flooded areas of unwanted water. Looking to empty your swimming pool without flooding your neighbor’s yard? We can drain swimming pool water and pump the water off-site.

Smith Septic also provides tank to surface riser installations, baffle replacements, lift station pump replacement – including electrical components, and aeration motor replacement. We can tackle new system installations, light-duty excavation work, bulk hauling, and also handle real estate inspections specific to septic.


Septic & Aeration Pumping
Residential Septic & Aeration Pumping

We have been pumping residential septic and aeration systems for 3 generations dating back to the early 1960s. All waste is legally disposed of at regulated disposal facilities.

Real Estate Septic Inspections
Residential Real Estate Septic Inspections
Most lenders require a Real Estate inspection before loaning on a home. without a proper inspection, you may run into a plethora of issues down the road, septic ownership is easy as long as you know what you’re up against. ∞
New System Installation
Residential System Installation


Septic Tank & Aeration Pumping
Swimming Pool Pumping
Tank to surface riser installation
Baffle Replacement
Lift station pump replacement including electrical components
Aeration motor replacement
Pipe and distribution box replacement
Flooded Basements
Light duty excavation work
Emergency Services

Caught in an Emergency situation? Give Smith Septic a call! We’re here to help you.

Discover our Installation & Repair Services

Inspection disclaimer:
Inspection reports based on the condition of the onsite wastewater treatment system, at the time of inspection. Smith Septic, Inc. does not warrant, guarantee, or certify the proper functioning of the system for any period of time in the future. Due to the numerous factors (usage, soil, seasonal high water table, homeowner negligence, etc.), which may affect the proper operation of a wastewater treatment system, the report shall not be construed as a warranty by Smith Septic, Inc. that the system will function properly in the future.

SMITH SEPTIC, INC. DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY, either expressed or implied, arising from the inspection of the wastewater treatment system or the report.